To set your business apart from its competition, you need a good marketing strategy. But not all marketing strategies are as effective as you want them to be. Despite investing a lot of money and time, some marketing strategies may not deliver the right results. As one of the leading digital agencies in Melbourne, we share with you signs that that your marketing strategy is wrong:

  1. You’re not maximising your ROI: Seeing expected results from your existing marketing strategy is an obvious expectation. However, if you are not getting the best possible return on your investment (ROI), it is time to overhaul your marketing strategy. While tracking the success of your marketing campaigns, you will discover that some channels are more effective than others. Try to work on them as your goal needs to acquire as many customers or clients as possible for the lowest cost possible.

To calculate your correct return on investment for various digital marketing strategies, you need to compare across different channels and campaigns. This will give you insights about which methods yield the best results.

  1. Your social campaigns are falling flat: Do not fall prey to the  “post and pray” approach. It means after posting the content you will pray to generate engagement. This is not how things work in social media. You need to do proper research about what people need and desire so that they can resonate with it.  Every social media platform has its own version of analytics and its own performance metrics and you need to work accordingly. 
  2. You’re seeing traffic but no conversions: Successfully generating traffic is one important part of online marketing but it will all be in vain if there is low conversion rate. Conversion rate tells about the number of visitors turning into clients or customers. So, whether you do your own online marketing or are working with an agency, conversion of prospect clients is important. You can use various tools to track your conversion and determine ROI on each campaign.
  3. You’re seeing little or no traffic at all: Little or no traffic is a bad sign and you need an immediate overhaul in your marketing strategy. No traffic directly means that your marketing strategies are failing flat. The right marketing strategies will help you drive more traffic to your business via the appropriate platforms
  4. The returns on your paid ads are negligible: If you are getting poor results from your paid ads some of the reasons could be:
  • Not targeting properly
  • Visitors are not converting
  • Cost per click is too high

To revive your paid campaigns you need a proper marketing strategy of targeting and engaging content.

  1. Your website is being buried in the search results: If your website is showing way under your competition on search engines, you will end up losing many potential customers. To improve your search ranking,  you need a proper digital marketing strategy, you can hire a professional marketing agency. 

Get a custom marketing strategy for your business 

As an award-winning digital marketing agency, we are a one-stop shop for all digital services in Melbourne. With years of experience in the industry, we will offer you quality services so that you get a good return on investment for various digital marketing strategies